Powers Photography

Ever had a job that was so much fun that it didn't feel like work? That's how I feel about my job at Powers. I see some of the most beautiful images every time I come to the office. At Powers Photography, I was brought on board to do their marketing and PR.

I find it pretty easy to promote them, because I'm so inspired by the beauty of their art. They see things differently and capture people at their finest. My bosses are down right awesome! As one of my friends in the wedding industry stated, "Both Stewart and Susan have very different eyes when it comes to weddings, but one thing I always admire about the way they work is their attention to details, like lighting, which can play such an important role when looking back at your photographs!" I get the privilege to see their work every week. I thought I would share with you what I get to see. Here are some of the best work by them. Check out their blog for more pics: Powers Merry Go Round

Happy to work for amazing wedding photographers!

Moving forward…

What does it mean to move forward? After a break up, one may associate the phrase, "moving forward," to moving on…having the courage to play the dating game again. I thought it meant stepping out in faith to pursue love again. Isn't that what it means? I mean, I've read the trashy novels, watched the sappy romantic movies, where girlfriends say this mantra to friends who get out of relationships. But what does moving forward really mean?

In the past when I got out of a relationship and found the phrase coming out of the mouths of those close to me. I could have jumped on board the dating train and pursue other love interests, but I choose to forgo it. Tough choice, I admit, but in the end I learned so much along the way. I won't lie and say that it was the easiest thing, because it wasn't. I definitely missed the companionship. I missed selfishly loving another and sharing life with a best friend. I missed being with someone.

The temptation to find another is at an all time high when we get out of relationships. My problem was when someone was interested in me I would see the face of my ex, and I would remember the good times and feel sudden loneliness. After many years of being with someone to suddenly being alone. It's a strange thing. You think to yourself, "What do I do from here?"

To tepid loneliness, staying busy by consuming myself with work and surrounding myself with friends worked for a while. I must have annoyed my friends as I talked about how happy I was that I was free. They saw past the lies. They were proud of me for being strong and holding out for God's best, but they knew I was hurting and didn't want to admit it.

The pain won from time to time. But after some time, I began to win. I began to move forward. How? It's a day by day process. Every day that goes by means new challenges and new victories. I first accepted the pain. Tears are a sign of weakness for me, but in my quietest times, I allowed myself to really feel the pain and actually cry. I felt like a sissy, but it was so healing. Once I let out the emotions, I accepted the fact that it wasn't the other person's fault entirely. I too was responsible for the relationship ending. Knowing this, I wanted to learn from the past, take my lessons, and grow from them.

Inner growth began to transpire. I saw things within myself I didn't see when I was in the relationship. I saw the kind of person I am, and I saw my true worth. Sometimes you forget how great of a catch you are until you're out of a relationship. Time went by and I went on life's adventures, experiencing new and exciting things. I took a liking to water sports, knee boarding, water tubing, ect. It's been a while since the last time I shot a basketball, so I picked up a basketball again and worked on improving my jump shot. I enjoyed the outdoors, danced when no one was looking, and I found joy in doing the simple things in life.

I…was moving forward! You see, moving forward doesn't have to mean dating again. It means living life and growing. It means choosing to be happy through your circumstances. It means finding wholeness and joy in simply being you…moving forward.

The Sandwich Rule

I like sandwiches! My favorite sandwiches are the fatty unhealthy ones! Bread plastered with mayonnaise, strips of fried greasy bacon; let's add some lettuce and tomatoes to make the sandwich somewhat healthier so I don't feel bad about clogging my arteries! Lol. My other favorite sandwich would have to be what I call, the "ultimate sandwich." Course it has to have the mayo. Along with the mayo, add stacks of turkey, ham, roast beef, and munster cheese. Mmm….I'm getting hungry just writing about it!

Sandwiches come in handy, especially when it comes to giving constructive criticism. I'll make my point clear in just a little bit.

Ever have someone tell you something crappy about yourself? Have you ever had a boss reprimand you for a mistake you've done? Ever had a significant other confront you about something you do that hurt them?

I don't know about you, but I can answer yes to all the questions stated above. Constructive criticism usually doesn't come well received by most, because of the delivery in which the criticism is given. Some will be straight forward and give you the bottom line. While others beat around the bush. Using just one of these methods may not work. How about using both?

This is where the sandwich rule comes to play: sandwich concerns with encouraging words.

First, state a positive statement about the person.

Then, state your concern. Be careful and don't start this sentence with "you," because people will automatically be on the defensive.

Followed by an encouraging statement. ßThis part is important, because it enables the other person. Also it tells them that you believe in him or her.

For example:

State a positive statement such as, "I have a blast hanging out with you."
State a concern, "However, when you're around your friends, I feel like you ignore me."
Followed by an encouraging statement such as, "I believe that next time we hang out with your friends, you'll be more attentive."

You'll get better results using the sandwich above as oppose to: "You ignore me when you're with your friends. I don't like it. You need to change."

The next time you're upset with someone, mentally picture a juicy ultimate sandwich. Remember to sandwich your concerns with encouraging words.

Welcome! I'm new at this, so be patient as I learn the art of blogging. What can you expect in the days/weeks/months to come? Hopefully insightful, inspirational, and fun posts where you get to partake in my life's adventure! Stay tuned!

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